Monday, 2 May 2011

April 29, 2011

160)  C'est What in Toronto:  Steve's Dreaded Chocolate Orange by C'est What:  **1/2;  very nearly a three star beer;  I often think this should be served in a bowl and consumed with a spoon;  the orange is subtle and overall it is thick and rich and chocolatey.

161)  C'est What:  Northumberland Ale by Church Key of Ontario:  *1/2;  a self-styled throw-back to the Canadian ales of the 1950s and 60s;  it would be fair to say that this IS your father's beer, then;  I found it a bit grassy, earthy;  I hear tell it is a hit at the local Legion;

162)  Burger Bar & Tequila Tavern in Toronto:  Chuck Noris Roundhouse IPA by Taps Brewery of Ontario:  **1/2;  That is not a spelling mistake, just the one "R" in Norris;  it does not seem to have kept the lawyers away, however, and this will soon be called Sinister Sam's Insane IPA;  I may have drank one of the last glasses of Chuck Noris IPAs if this is true;  strong hop aromas and flavour;  it doesn't knock you over the way Smashbomb Atomic IPA does but one does not always need to be knocked over;  it is a very strong IPA, in all senses of the word;

163)  Burger Bar & Tequila Tavern:  Augusta Ale by Kensington Brewing Company of Ontario:  **;  Kensington is the creation of the owner of the Burger Bar, similar to the way Ralph of the Volo has gone into brewing;  best termed nano-breweries, they operate from a corner of the back of the restaurant, though I hear tell Kensington is having the Augusta brewed under contract until things are fully operational;  an English style ale, moderately hopped;

164)  Burger Bar & Tequila Tavern:  Sgt. Major IPA by Scotch Irish Brewing of Ontario, although as mentioned earlier, this was bought up by Kichesippi of Ontario:  **;  faintly yeasty nose;  more subtlety to this than many modern IPAs;

I checked out the Burger Bar's Spring IPA Festival after the concert;  this is becoming a must visit venue for craft beer fans;  knowing it would be hard to limit myself to just a couple, there were a lot of half pints today.

This is an example of where I part ways with the previously cited 1000 beers in one year project.  The owner poured me a sample of a gluten-free maple bock but as it was only a couple of ounces I am not listing it here.

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