Monday, 14 September 2015

September 13, 2015

215/1489) Home:  Game of Thrones:  Three-Eyed Raven Dark Saison by Ommegang Brewery of New York, U.S.A.:  **;  7.2%;  pours a deep, rich brown colour with a soft pillowy head;  yeast sediment at the bottom of bottle - it's your choice to pour it into the glass or leave it behind;  I drank part of the glass then I poured the yeast in;  peppery spiced nose with hints of roasted malt;    mild spice with Belgian style yeast and hints of chocolate and roasted malt;  dark peppery finish;  an interesting blend;

I have still not seen a single episode of this show, not a one.

1 comment:

  1. You haven't seen a single episode of "Game of Thrones"? I don't know if to weep for you or applaud.
