Thursday, 11 August 2011

August 9, 2011

Yes, you did read right, I have Smashbomb Atomic IPA in my "beer fridge".  The LCBO is finally carrying six-packs.  A compromise seems to have been reached.  The box artwork is different than what was originally proposed and there is no front label on the bottles, either.

I suppose we could be angry with the LCBO but, given their past performance, I don't think anyone was surprised at their actions.  I was, however, surprised to see a Flying Monkeys big-wig boasting on a forum about what he was going to slip past the LCBO.  Anyone who has been to school knows that the way to ensure that an inconsistently applied rule gets applied to you is to annoy the person in charge of enforcing the rules, so I am willing to have the blame divided. 

The bottles are 6%, while C'est What's draught list indicates that Smashbomb Atomic on tap is 7%.  One is tempted to say it has been "dumbed down" but on consideration one might do better to say that the opposite is the case.  It would be pushing things to list this as a "new" beer so you can rest assured that I haven't given it any consideration.

On a related note, there is a rumour that Crystal Skull vodka - one of the more notorious LCBO decisions - may yet see the shelves.  Dan Ackroyd is said to be flexing his muscles, which is to say his bank account and, more importantly, his connections.  It will be interesting to see who wins. 

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