Monday, 26 December 2011

December 22, 2011

385)  Home:  Mandarin Orange Amber Ale by Dead Frog Brewery of British Columbia:  *1/2;  this is brewed with "pure orange oil" instead of juice or pulp which lends more subtle flavours;  in the manner of my visit to Gambrinus in London, I can't help thinking that this would be great in the summer with fish and chips;

386)  Home:  Samuel Smith's Winter Welcome Ale by Samuel Smith Old Brewery (Tadcaster) of England:  **;  has a bready aroma;  lightly spiced, this is the perfect way to mark Winter's arrival (at least it is in this time zone);

I was hoping to be able to mark today with Dieu du Ciel's Solstice d'Hiver (Winter Solstice), reviewed earlier, but I would have had to make the journey to Toronto to find it.  With luck I will come across it locally in short order.

Yes, after being promised as far back as April, Dead Frog has finally arrived.  Their Winter Mixer pack is in a few LCBOs but none are handy to me.  I picked it up instead at the Beer Store.  The website promised inventory at two nearby locations a couple of weeks before anyone actually had any but at least when I did visit they had heard of it and they knew what I was talking about.  In one store they went so far as to suggest other brands to try, seeing as how I liked the out of the ordinary beers.

I am seeing more of the smaller brands at the Beer Store of late, the Paddock Woods and others.

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