Tuesday, 24 May 2016

February 26, 2016

31/1616) C'est What:  Elephant Monsoon Peanut Butter and Grape Porter by Beau's All Natural Brewing of Ontario:  **;  6.7%, 30 ibu;  this week's Feb-Brew-ary installment;  the Barmaid tells me it is brown like a stout;  the nose is mostly grape with a hint of coffee;  the grape flavour is the most up front of all, with only a hint of peanut at the finish;  it's a weird one but it really does work;

The significance of my mention of the barmaid advising me as to the colour is something I don't think has been mentioned here before but I suffer colour-blindness in a certain portion of the spectrum.  Any time I mention a beer's colour it means there was someone nearby who filled me in.

32/1617) C'est What:  Parachute Porter by Barnstormer Brewing of Ontario:  **;  5.1%, 39 ibu;  nose is dry mocha;  grany mocha flavours, almost cola-ish notes and mouthfeel;

33/1618) C'est What:  Wicked Wench by Forked River Brewing of Ontario:  *;  5.7%, 10 ibu;  a sour bourbon aged stout, thankfully I was warned it was a sour and I ordered the smallest glass I could;  the nose is funky and cidery;  tastes sweet with tart cherry like, nearly astringent notes;

34/1619) C'est What:  Mad Cow Milk Stout by County Durham Brewing of Ontario:  **;  4.8%, 29 ibu;  the nose features alcohol more strongly than the abv might suggest;  there is a sweet fruitiness as well;  I am not getting the lactose sweetness one commonly associates with a milk stout but in general this one does work for me;

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