Monday 18 April 2011

April 17, 2011

I thought I had set myself an arduous task but have a look at what David Ewalt is up to:

To mark the anniversary of the repeal of prohibition, Mr. Ewalt has undertaken to taste 1000 beers in one year.  He began April 7th, the 78th anniversary of the Cullen-Harrison Act becoming law.  In the interest of self-preservation, he emphasizes the word "taste" - to count he need only drink enough to form an opinion.

He does agree with me in that while he won't count the same beer twice he will count different years where it makes a difference.  He uses the example of Anchor Steam Christmas Ale.  Me, I have both the 2005 and the 2007 editions of Fuller's Vintage Ale in my "beer fridge" which I was saving for an occasion that never happened.  I may or may not break one or both open in 2011.  Their website opines that the 2005 Vintage Ale is good enough to drink today but it may be even better three or four years from now.  I haven't decided if I should pull the trigger or not.

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